Thursday, February 16, 2006


Satsuki is a 4-year-old tiny little girl with a head too big for her body, small eyes, but the sweetest heart and smile in the whole world.
She became my student when she was almost 3 years old...I taught her for a year and a half but at the end of last year, she had to move to another area of tokyo, so she had to stop her classes. On her last day, her mom got me a gift which Satsuki chose. It was a mug with little animals all around, some of which are cats. Her mom said that the reason she chose the mug was because she remembered I like drawing cats and that I probably like cats. It's funny because after having taught kids for a while, I found one interesting thing about kids. They never look at the big picture. They always notice the tiniest detail. So I'm sure on the day she went and chose the mug, there must have been other mugs with bigger cats drawn on them, but she chose this particular mug with tiny tiny cats. (does it have to do with her tiny eyes spotting tiny things? I don't know....) on the last day, she gave me the mug, and she gave me so many hugs before she finally left the school. That was in mid-December 2005.

Yesterday, when I got back to school from my break, I saw her and her mom at the school! It was such a surprise....she didn't say much though. Her mom, instead, became her mouth...and told me every wednesday (the day she usually came to my lessons), Satsuki would wanna see me. It was so sweet (though it would have been much better if it came from Satsuki's mouth and not her mom's)...but was nice seeing her...she was quiet and shy, well-behaved as usual. I told her I miss her, and that i'd like to see her again, although she probably didn't understand much of that....and we said goodbye.

I started going back to my classroom, but Satsuki came back! She ran back to me with open arms for a hug....I was so touched! She was such a sweet kid........awwww.....I love her....She's probably the only person in Tokyo who would miss me and who would want a hug from me so much that she'd come back from the elevator just to let me know how much she misses me with her hug in return.

Satsuki, I love you!^^


JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Oh... that's so sweet =)

You should take so pics and post it here ne :)

But it's very touched

t0ny said...

讀了之後感慨不少.. 小孩子的純咱們也該好好學習, 平時對親愛的人多付出點關心, 以免錯失了機會!