Thursday, June 29, 2006

Turning point

How do people make decisions??
I don't even know anymore.
I used to be much more decisive than I am...
Was I not considerate enough,
could make decisions quickly based on a few factors?
I've always thought that I am a considerate person
and that I always think in other people's shoes...
but apparently...
or at least, not enough.
It's time I should really re-evaluate myself,
and the things I do...
and then, make out something about what to do next..
that is, hopefully, beneficial for all parties...
(is that ever even possible?)
this decision is definitely going to make my a huge difference in the rest of my life.....
wish me luck...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Salsa for the first time!

No, not the salsa with tortilla chips....
Salsa dancing!
Went to a club called El Cafe Latino in Roppongi last night..and tried salsa for the first time in my life...
it was amazing!
very difficult though...i kept stepping on my own sandals and other people's feet...
but after a while, the DJ put on a mix of the usual clubbing songs and salsa and some other types of music, so we just danced like crazy!
Loved it...
didn't sleep for the night, went and taught a private lesson at 10 in the morning, then went to play badminton at 2 clubs!
I think I've officially broken my record of staying up the longest time and doing the most things at the same time..
guess I am gonna crash now... ;p